Fueling Calculator

Use our Fueling Calculator to calculate your energy requirements.

Workout type



Your weight (kg)

Workout duration (hours)

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What is Nrgy Unit?

A measuring unit, made to simplify energy intake calculation and enable mix-and-matching of our products without worrying about digestive issues.

1 Nrgy Unit = 45 g of CHO

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Nduranz Carbohydrate Ratio

Scientifically proven to be the most efficient carbohydrate ratio for high absorption without digestive issues. Used by all Nduranz fueling products.

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What is Nrgy Unit?

A measuring unit, made to simplify energy intake calculation and enable mix-and-matching of our products without worrying about digestive issues.

1 Nrgy Unit = 45 g of CHO

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Nduranz Electrolyte Mix

A specially designed electrolyte mix that replaces only the electrolytes you actually lose during your workout in a ratio you are losing them. Optimal hydration, no digestive issues!

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