Strength Training for Runners: 9 Exercises You Must Know
Reading time: 2 min

Strength Training for Runners: 9 Exercises You Must Know

Reading time: 2 min
Strength exercises are essential for runners. Don't skip them!
Strength Training for Runners: 9 Exercises You Must Know

In addition to correct sports nutrition, strength training is an essential element that runners often neglect. Strength training provides several benefits:

  • strong core,
  • leg stability,
  • durable ligaments,
  • fewer injuries,
  • better results.

Long running training sessions increase stress levels in your body and drain your glycogen stores, which among other things weakens your immune system and hinders muscle recovery after workout.

Strength exercise can, to a certain degree, alleviate the stress of running. Keep reading to discover the most important strength exercises every runner should know.

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Strength exercises for runners

Here are the 9 essential strength exercises for runners that you should perform on a regular basis. Consistency is key.

The exercises can be adapted to your fitness level both in terms of the number of repetitions or the length of exercise and the variation of each exercise (each exercise is presented in its easy and hard variation).


Enter plank position, lean on your elbows. Be careful not to keep your hips too low.

Easy variation: keep position on your elbows.

trening moči za tekače deska

Advanced variation: touch opposite shoulder with your hand, switch hands.

Exercise duration: 15 to 30 seconds.


Use a step or surface edge. Bring weight on your heel and rise up onto your toes.

Easy variation: rise up on both legs.

trening moči za tekače: vzponi

Advanced variation: rise up on one leg.

Number of repetitions: 8 to 12.


Enter plank position and lean on one elbow (lateral).

Easy variation: keep position on one elbow.

tekaške vaje za moč: bočna deska

Advanced variation: raise and lower hips.

Exercise duration: 10 to 20 seconds.


Step apart, your feet pointed slightly outwards. Lower your hips into a squat. Your weight is mostly on your heels (you can support your heels with approximately 2 cm of elevation). Be careful that your knees don't go over your toes and that your back is as straight as possible.

Easy variation: use your body weight.

trening moči za tekače: počep

Advanced variation: use weights.

Number of repetitions: 10 to 20. 


Lie down on your stomach. Simultaneously lift your arms and legs.

Easy variation: elevate only your arms.

trening moči za tekača: superman

Advanced variation: elevate both arms and legs without touching the ground.

Exercise duration: 15 to 30 seconds.


Lie on your back, bend your legs, and raise your hips.

Easy variation: keep both feet on the ground.

domače vaje za moč: dvigovanje bokov

Advanced variation: keep one foot on the ground.

Number of repetitions: 10 to 15.


Lie on your back, bend your legs. Elevate only the upper part of your body (the lower back touches the ground). Look at the ceiling.

Easy variation: use your body weight.

trening za moč tek: trebušnjaki

Advanced variation: use weights on your chest.

Number of repetitions: 10 to 20.


From a standing position, make a long step forward and return to initial position. Be careful that your knees don't go over your toes.

Easy variation: use your own weight.

trening moči za tekače: izpadni korak

Advanced variation: hold weights in your hands.

Number of repetitions: 6 to 10.


Lie on your back. Fold one leg at around three quarters of the extended leg. Raise hips and maintain position. Alternate each leg a few seconds.

Easy variation: maintain position.

tekaški trening za moč: dvig bokov na peti

Advanced variation: raise hips quickly several times.

Number of repetitions: 5 times each leg.


In addition to correct nutrition, strength exercises are a crucial element to sustain your running performance.

Strength exercises allow you to strengthen your core, acquire leg stability, improve ligament strength, reduce chance of injuries, and improve your athletic results.

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