The new cycling and running season will be soon upon us. It's time to get back in shape. You need energy and you need to ditch the excess fat gained over the winter.
Fusion and Energy Gel with L-carnitine provide just that — more energy, less fat!
In this blog, we analyze how these two products work in tandem to improve your performance by giving you high levels of energy and boosting fat metabolism during high-intensity exercise.
Boost fat metabolism
While Fusion and Energy Gel with L-carnitine are two separate products that you can use individually, they complement each other really well.

Use Fusion before exercise to stimulate your body's ability to use fat as energy and reduce stress levels, both psychological stress caused by the mind's activity and physiological stress caused by intense exercise.
The Energy Gel with L-carnitine is used during exercise to provide your body with a reliable source of carbohydrates and further stimulate it to use its fat stores as a source of energy.
The result is higher levels of energy, as your glycogen stores will deplete at a much slower rate due to an increased availability of carbohydrates and better ability to metabolize fat. Learn more about how you can improve your performance by managing glycogen.
Fusion and Energy Gel with L-carnitine may be used individually, but they work great together in boosting fat metabolism and promoting healthy weight loss.
You will also significantly decrease psychophysical stress, which has several positive effects:
- Feeling better and more relaxed
- Manage weight in a healthy way
- Stronger immune system
- More health, less illness, and fewer injuries
- Better and more consistent sport results
Learn what supplements work best to manage stress.
Fusion and Energy Gel with L-carnitine are a great combo to get more energy, less fat!
More energy
Without energy you can't lift your little finger, and endurance sports requires extremely high levels of energy.
The body keeps small amounts of energy as glycogen stored in your muscles and liver.
This energy is quickly accessible and your body can use it during intense exercise. But this energy amounts to about 2000 calories, which an endurance athlete can use up within 2 hours of intense exercise.
Completely depleting your glycogen stores is a bad idea with several negative consequences:
- Feeling tired and without energy
- Hitting the wall — without fuel, your body can't go on with exercise
- Increased stress response — regular exercise with low glycogen stores leads to chronic stress, which ruins your immune system
- Your body uses glycogen to support internal functions at the cellular level, and without glycogen, these functions will be interrupted — you'd better avoid that
If you want to preserve your glycogen stores as long as possible, you need to consume a source of quick carbohydrates during exercise. Learn more about fueling.
That's why during intense exercise, endurance athletes consume energy gels or isotonic sports drinks.
Don't know which one to choose? Read our blog!
Your body stores about 2000 calories of quickly-accessible energy as glycogen stored in your muscles and liver.
The Energy Gel with L-carnitine contains maltodextrin, a complex carbohydrate with a very high glycemic index, which means your body will be able to quickly turn it into the required fuel aka energy.
Less fat
Your body is able to get energy from your fat stores, too. Read more about the role of fat in your body.
To your body, fat stores represent a much needed safety net, providing large amounts of energy — one kilogram of fat amounts to almost 8000 calories.
From an evolutionary standpoint, fat stores represent safety because they allow you to keep calories in your "bank account" — your body can use this energy when no food is available.
During low-intensity exercise, fat represents 50 to 60% of energy, but fat oxidation requires oxygen, which becomes scarce at higher intensities. That's why it's difficult for your body to transform fat into energy during high-intensity exercise.
Ultimately, it depends on the individual how many fat they can use as energy during intense exercise. Training allows you to increase your body's efficiency in transforming fat into energy, but you can also boost it with supplements.
The more energy you are able to get from fat during intense exercise, the longer you will be able to preserve your glycogen stores.
The Energy Gel with L-carnitine is an extremely interesting dietary supplement with powerful synergic benefits
- It provides a source of quick energy with carbohydrates, which your body can use instead of depleting its glycogen stores.
- L-carnitine, a chemical compound of two amino acids, boosts fat oxidation aka the use of fat as energy, which further slows down glycogen depletion.
- The product contains green tea polyphenols, which further increase your body's ability to transform fat into energy.

Healthy weight loss
Although from an evolutionary standpoint fat stores represent wealth and abundance, they are very impractical in modern times.
Endurance athletes cannot afford large fat stores, as they would slow them down and decrease their agility. They would also burden their joints, which during intense exercise are already strained enough. Learn how to best support your joints!
Large fat stores are also unwelcome from and aesthetic point of view, especially today when the symbol of beauty is a lean and chiseled body.
Finally, while being a precious source of energy, fat stores may have negative influences on your health and lead to several health complications.
Taking all this into consideration, it is clear why so many people gravitate towards weight loss.
Even elite athletes, who are hardly overweight, must learn to manage their body mass, as the incredibly competitive nature of modern sports requires them to always be on point with their weight.
The problem is that your body isn't ready to willingly lose its fat stores, as they represent safety. That's why many weight-loss diets miss their target. Even worse, your body sees weight loss, especially if it's quick, as a threat — this makes it release the stress hormone cortisol.
The dietary supplement Fusion contains adaptogens, which reduce psychophysical stress, helping you to regulate your body mass in a healthy way.
If you are regularly under stress — and a long period of quick weight loss definitely takes you in that direction — you might develop chronic stress and suffer its many consequences:
- weakened immune system,
- increased blood pressure,
- increased risk of heart disease,
- problems losing weight,
- increased body mass.
The final two points are extremely interesting, as they are almost paradoxical — quick weight loss may lead to an increase in weight mass? It sounds incredible, but that's how your body works to protect itself from the external environment.
So, how to lose weight in a healthy way?
The answer may seem simple. You can lose weight in a healthy way if you manage to do it without stress.
While weight loss will always be at least somewhat stressful for your body, the levels of stress will be significantly lower if you lose weight slowly and steadily. In other words, you must manage your weight in a balanced way, aiming at long-term results.
Quick weight loss and fantastic diets are not recommended, unless you are a well-trained individual who knows what they're doing.
When dealing with weight loss, you can also use adaptogens.
Adaptogens are substances, mostly herbs or mushrooms, who help your body to manage stress. There are several myths surrounding adaptogens, some of them true, others less so. Learn the truth in our blog!
Fusion contains adaptogens that will help you to:
- Use fat as energy
- Lose body mass
- Reduce psychophysical stress
- Boost VO2 max
- Increase lactate threshold
Fusion and the Energy Gel with L-carnitine are two high-quality products which work great together. By using the correctly before and during exercise, they will help you to get in your best shape, especially when preparing for the new season.
Fusion, used before exercise, increases your ability to efficiently use fat as energy and reduces stress, while the Energy Gel with L-carnitine, used during exercise, provides quick energy and boosts fat metabolism.
While both products provide amazing benefits by themselves, if you really want to activate fat oxidation during intense exercise, try them out together and get in the best shape ever!